These switches are the first I've found which are designed to be easy to install. They come prewired so all you need to do is use the included twist cap to connect your existing wires. Another awesome consumer feature you'll appreciate is not needing to keep track of the line and load connections. Simply connect each of the two, typically black, wires in the wall to the two black wires on the switch and it will figure out the rest. Hook up the white wire and the ground connection, and you're done.Connecting to the switches was equally simple with the Kasa app. I hooked up multiple switches before linking and the app list all those ready to link and took you through them one at time until each ready to use. I turned each one on and off and named them according to the lights ibeing controlled. If you're using only the Kasa app your done.The final step for me was enabling the Kasa skill in the Alexa app. A little linking of the two accounts and there are my switches with the Kasa names I used, ready to be added to my Alexa groups.The only thing I would change about the switches is that they don't toggle up and down. The switch always appears to be in the "on" position, and turning it off and on manually involves pressing the bottom of the switch only. You'll get used to it in a day or two but it's still an unnecessary difference in how these operate compared to a standard switch.All in all, install time was 80% shorter, and I had zero issues connecting the 8 I installed straight through Kasa to Alexa.