We've heard nothing but good things from friends and family who have Roombas, so we thought we'd give it a try. The first thing we were told was, "Make sure you spend the money for the real thing: the others may be a lot cheaper, but they're headaches waiting to happen." Okay, fine, but the 675 isn't exactly a bank breaker, especially if you get it during a sale. And if we just made our lives easier AND avoided l'agita for less than $250, that's even better.I don't care about packaging until it's inadequate or off-the-charts excessive, and neither was the case here.The setup was breathtakingly simple - I forgot to breathe for a few seconds when I looked at the unit in the charger and after installing/starting the app, pressing 2 buttons, and naming the robot ("Sucka" - I know, that's so original), I saw that my phone was reporting that setup was complete. I thought, "Really, that's it? What'd I miss?" As it turns out, I missed nothing. Easy-peasy. So, I thought I'd just let it charge overnight and then I'd play with it the next day.The next day, while working in my home office, I started the app and selected "Vacuum Everywhere". I heard it wake up with cheerful little beeps and start working. It really isn't too loud, so between meetings I followed the sound, coffee in hand, to watch it work. I was kind of fun to watch it careening around like a drunken toddler, gently crashing into stuff and bouncing counter-clockwise until it could move again. I half-expected it to exclaim, "Uh-oh!" And if something was light enough, it just pushed it around until it hit something solid enough to make it bounce. I wish I'd waited until after working hours so that I could watch it with an adult beverage or two. The 14-year-old in me is definitely going to set up some obstacle tests.Like any toddler, it requires a little bit of supervision. It got stuck on a thick power cable beneath a bed, so it beeped, called out with a voice to ask for help, and alerted my phone app; I rescued it and sent it on its way. (Note to 14-yr-old-self: see if there's a way to hack the firmware to change the voice alerts to something really wrong. Maybe a toddler-like voice yelling, "Aw, s**t!" or "FML!")Also like a toddler, it eventually needs a diaper change and a feeding/nap. After a while, I had to empty the dust bin and pull some hair off of the brushes and wheels, so I put it back on the charger for a bit. So, it's napping right now. After lunch, I'll fire it up again and see if it finds its way into my office.It may need some decoration, too. Maybe some googly-eyes and a rude bumper sticker? Or a tiny pirate flag flying from the rear?So, for the important part: does it clean well?Yes. Judging from look of the floors and the amount of crud in the dustbin, it does a solid job. And, apparently, I don't: my weekly floor sweeping/Bona mopping appears to be missing some stuff.Ah, the app tells me that it's already back to full charge (just under 2 hours!), so I'm gonna turn Sucka loose again.